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Pre-questions for: 2/21 Short-term network funding

The idea behind funding networking activities is to make it possible for people in the arts and culture in the Nordic and Baltic countries to work together, forge partnerships and learn from each other. Available to networks planning to work together for up to one (1) year.

The idea behind funding networking activities is to make it possible for people in the arts and culture in the Nordic and Baltic countries to work together, forge partnerships and learn from each other. Available to networks planning to work together for up to one (1) year.

NB! Network funding cannot be applied for a one-off event, only for a series of joint meetings, conferences, workshops, staff exchanges, etc. which take place over a longer time-period. Neither is the funding intended for full scale cultural and artistic productions. For individual events or Nordic co-productions funding can be applied for thru the Culture- and Art Programme.
NB! In order to be eligible, the application must be based on a cooperation between professional partners from at least three Nordic and/or Baltic countries. A professional is defined as someone who has documented experience of working in the field of the arts and culture and/or has been trained in the arts or culture.
NB! Unfortunately you cannot apply for short-term funding for activities lasting more than one year. Please check the details for long-term network funding.
NB! Please note that you cannot apply for the same activities from several programmes.